Monday, October 18, 2021

American Heart Association Teaches CPR to Save Lives


In 1924 six cardiologists established the American Heart Association (AHA) to find new ways to treat heart disease and stroke. Since its inception, the organization has developed several programs to educate and spread the word about heart disease and related conditions, including cardiac arrest, which results in 475,000 deaths each year. As part of its efforts, the AHA offers training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) through its Emergency Cardiovascular Care program. 

Goals of CPR Training

Every year, the AHA trains over 23 million people worldwide in CPR. The procedure can provide life-saving measures in the event of cardiac arrest. By training healthcare providers as well as members of the public to perform this service, the American Heart Association hopes to increase the chances that an individual who experiences cardiac arrest survives even if it happens outside of a hospital.

How to Get Trained

Those interested in learning about and becoming certified in CPR can seek out AHA classes or training centers all over the world. Additionally, employers may choose to set up training sessions for employees. Often, schools organize CPR training through the AHA for faculty, staff, and students. The AHA also offers a CPR in Schools Training Kit designed specifically for helping students learn CPR. Using the kit, educators can coach 10 to 20 students during a single class period.

Who Are the Trainers?

Individuals who have already obtained CPR training may opt to become an instructor for the AHA’s CPR classes. To do so, they must turn in an application, exhibit their proficiency in the discipline, take a dedicated course, and complete monitored teaching sessions. 

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