Dr. Erol Onel is a medical practitioner with extensive experience in fields ranging from reproductive health to oncology and clinical research. A graduate of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Williams College, Erol Onel currently serves as the Vice President of Heron Therapeutics in California. Outside of his professional work, Dr. Onel is an active philanthropist who donates to organizations such as the American Heart Association and Goodwill.
Founded in 1902, Goodwill is a nonprofit organization that provides employment opportunities, skills training, and education to enhance the dignity and life quality of individuals. Currently, the organization works towards its mission through a network of 162 independent Goodwill operations that provide employment support and local programming to individuals in need.
Goodwill’s achievements include:
-In 2015, assisted over 300,000 individuals to gain career and skills training through employment.
-In 2015, provided credentials to over 42,000 individuals to increase their total lifetime earnings potential by 14.2 billion dollars.
-Provided services to an all time total of over 37 millions individuals, including two million who utilized career services and 35 million who accessed virtual training via mobile devices and computers.
In 2016, the organization achieved a number one ranking among brands doing the most good worldwide by the Brand World Value Index.
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