Dr. Erol Onel is the vice president of Heron Therapeutics in La Jolla, California. Also a dedicated philanthropist, Dr. Erol Onel gives blood every September 11 as a personal tribute and supports numerous charities, including the American Heart Association (AHA).
The nonprofit AHA is dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke through research and support. The organization is one of the oldest in the nation, founded in 1924, and has been growing ever since. The AHA has many programs and research opportunities to assist in its mission.
One of these programs is Go Red for Women, which advocates for greater awareness of cardiovascular diseases occurring in women. Research has been largely structured around men with heart disease, so information about women with heart disease is lacking. Go Red for Women works to create more options and support for women with cardiovascular diseases. To learn more, visit www.goredforwomen.org.